Saison 1

13 épisodes

(5 h 25 min)



Saison 1


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Le royaume sorcier d'Ainz Ooal Gown

S1 E1 Le royaume sorcier d'Ainz Ooal Gown

As Ains muddles his way through ruling his new kingdom, he continues to ponder over a particularly important question. Everyone in his kingdom and the Tomb of Nazarick is also waiting for his answer. What kind of kingdom does he wish to create? Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 5 juillet 2022

Le royaume de Re-Estize

S1 E2 Le royaume de Re-Estize

Albedo personally makes her way to Re-Estize Kingdom as an envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Meanwhile, the people of Re-Estize continue to do what they can to recover from the recent war and prepare for the future. Though not everyone has peace in mind. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 12 juillet 2022

L'empire de Baharuth

S1 E3 L'empire de Baharuth

The major powers in other countries grow increasingly wary about the Sorcerer Kingdom. Especially the emperor of the Barahuth Empire, who might go bald from the stress induced by the overwhelming power of Ains Ooal Gown. On which side will he stand? Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 19 juillet 2022

Le souverain conspirateur

S1 E4 Le souverain conspirateur

While Albedo and the others make their moves toward world domination, Ains has his own little plan. He wants to cultivate true adventurers to explore the unknown, like the players in Yggdrasil. His recruitment efforts bring him to the Baharuth Empire... Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2022

Vers le pays nain

S1 E5 Vers le pays nain

After his visit to the Empire, Ains decides to go and create a friendly relationship with the Dwarf Kingdom. Sadly, he only finds an empty city when he gets there. Deep within the tunnels, he meets a dwarf named Gondo who tells him happened. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 2 août 2022

Crise imminente

S1 E6 Crise imminente

Ains decides to lend a hand to the dwarves fighting against the Quagoa, but not for free. He wants to gather Gondo and the other runesmiths for the Sorcerer Kingdom. At the same time, Ains happens to find the perfect chance to teach Shalltear a thing or two. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 9 août 2022

Le seigneur dragon des glaces

S1 E7 Le seigneur dragon des glaces

The Clan Lord discovers that Ains and his group are approaching the royal capital and asks the frost dragons for help. The Dragon Lord sends his son to intercept the party, while Ains decides to split up the group to confront the Quagoa and frost dragons. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 16 août 2022

Une manœuvre inattendue

S1 E8 Une manœuvre inattendue

While various things are happening in the neighboring countries, Philip continues to wallow in failure within the Re-Estize Kingdom. After meeting with some nobles from his new faction and he suddenly comes up with a brilliant idea... Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 23 août 2022

Le début de l'effondrement

S1 E9 Le début de l'effondrement

The Sorcerer Kingdom declares war against the Re-Estize Kingdom and gives them exactly one month to prepare. Ains plans to show the world what happens to the enemies of Ains Ooal Gown. However, a few in Nazarick consider this massacre excessive. Source: crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 30 août 2022

Le dernier roi

S1 E10 Le dernier roi

Ains and his army marches towards the royal capital to finally annihilate the Re-Estize Kingdom. Various forces prepare themselves for the coming onslaught. Before the last battle, Zanac rides alone to meet with Ains for a peaceful discussion. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 6 septembre 2022

Des pièges bien agencés

S1 E11 Des pièges bien agencés

To gain more information, Ains and Albedo use themselves as bait as they approach the royal capital. Azuth comes to defend the capital and quickly separates the two. While the two of them exchange blows in the air, a mysterious figure comes to visit Ains. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 13 septembre 2022

L'invasion de la capitale royale

S1 E12 L'invasion de la capitale royale

Everyone in the Re-Estize Kingdom makes their final preparations as the Sorcerer Kingdom's army invades the royal capital. Some try to escape and some just wait to die. But there are a few among them who wish to fight until the very end. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 20 septembre 2022

The Witch of the Falling Kingdom

S1 E13 The Witch of the Falling Kingdom

Princess Renner decides to stay with her father and struggle against the Sorcerer King until the very end. Climb follows the orders of the princess and sneaks out of the royal palace only to be surprised at what he greets him when he returns. Source: Crunchyroll

Première diffusion : 27 septembre 2022