Fiche technique

Titre original : Playing For KeepsDiffuseur : Channel 10

Créateur :

Screentime Australia
Genre : Comédie dramatiquePremière diffusion (Australie) : septembre 2018

Pays d'origine :

Statut : ArrêtéNombre de saisons : 1Durée : 1 h

Producteur :

Screentime Australia

Synopsis : In the male-dominated world of a football club the real power is with the women. In a fresh, contemporary voice this female-skewed, heightened, telenovela style drama takes no prisoners. Foregrounding five very different women, Playing for Keeps explores this unique world from their perspective. From the grand-stands and the locker rooms to the red carpets and the bedrooms.  Is it infatuation or love, power or relevance?  What makes these women tick?  This is lifestyles of the rich and famous, larger than life.