Fiche technique

Auteur :

Edward Eggleston
Genres : Roman, Jeunesse

Illustrateurs :

Frederick Burr Opper, W. E. B. Starkweather
Date de publication (États-Unis) : 1871Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeurs :

Grosset & Dunlap, Orange Judd and Company, Indiana University Press

Résumé : The Hoosier School-Master is a charming yet realistic novel in the manner of Tom Sawyer. Set in Flat Creek, Indiana, in the 1850s, the story relates the encounters of the new schoolteacher, Ralph Hartsook, with such lovable characters as Bud, Hannah, and Shocky. This marvelous tale contains all the elements of a good, old-fashioned melodrama—the bully, star-crossed lovers, the poorhouse, and the one-room schoolhouse. Written with Hoosier humor and candor, Eggleston's delightful portraits of heroes and villains are a bit sentimental, but they are also perceptive—full of life and truth.