Fiche technique

Titre original : Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Auteur :

Walter Scott
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 1814

Éditeur :

Penguin Books
ISBN : 9781448191611, 9788132049616, 9781101490068

Groupe :

Les Waverley

Résumé : It is the time of the Jacobite uprising of 1745 which sought to restore the Stuart dynasty in the person of Charles Edward Stuart, known as "Bonnie Prince Charlie". A young English dreamer and soldier, Edward Waverley, is sent to Scotland that year. He journeys north from his aristocratic family home, Waverley-Honour, in the south of England, first to the Scottish Lowlands and the home of family friend Baron Bradwardine, then into the Highlands and the heart of the rebellion and its aftermath.