The Cambridge History of China, Volume 11, Part 2

Fiche technique

Auteur :

John Fairbank
Genre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 30 septembre 1980Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Cambridge University Press
ISBN : 9780521220293

Résumé : This is the second of two volumes in this major Cambridge history dealing with the gradual decline of the Ch'ing empire in China (the first was volume 10). Volume 11 surveys the persistence and deterioration of the old order in China during the late nineteenth century, and the profound stirring during that period, which led to China's great twentieth-century revolution. The contributors focus on commercial and technological growth, foreign relations, the stimulation of Chinese intellectual life by the outside world, and military triumphs and disasters. They show that the effects of the accelerating changes were to fragment the old ruling class and the ancient monarchy, finally bringing the Chinese people face to face with the challenges of the new century. For readers with Chinese, proper names and terms are identified with their characters in the glossary, and full references to Chinese, Japanese and other works are given in the bibliographies.