Cover Les meilleures paroles au public en concert

Les meilleures paroles au public en concert

Ce top répertorie quelques interactions savoureuses scène/salle. Ces moments légers dans lesquels l'artiste s'aventure à quitter sa partition pour nous paraitre plus familier. Laisse s'évaporer de sa posture d'idole inhumaine quelqu'un de plus lambda, plus réel, plus humain en s'approchant un peu ...

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4 morceaux

créee il y a 3 mois · modifiée il y a 3 mois

Sophisticated Lady

Sophisticated Lady

03 min.

Morceau de Duke Ellington & His Orchestra

Annotation :

"One of my favourite ladies ... sophisticated lady !"

Stars (live at Montreux)

Stars (live at Montreux)

06 min.

Morceau de Nina Simone

Annotation :

Durant le même concert mais pour la chanson Feelings
Nina Simone commence à chanter :

-Feelings nothing more than feelings, feelings of love (s'adresse au public) you know that ? (applaudissements) Okay, as a robot gets itself together and we do it, and we get to the middle, where we have forgotten our feelings of love, you will help me huh ? (reprend sa chanson) tears drops, falling down on my face, time to forget all my feelings of love... Goddamn ! And you know what, what a shame you have to write a song like that ! I'm not making fun of the man, I do not believe the conditions that produced a situation that demanded a song like that ! (applaudissements très sourds) Ohh come on, clap dammit ! What's wrong with you ? (la salle applaudit)


Lady (1993)


03 min. Sortie : 13 septembre 1993 (France). Pop rock, Country

Morceau de Kenny Rogers

Annotation :

Le concert n'apparait pas sur sc ; lors d'un concert à Londres en l'an 1982 Teddy Pendergrass interprète cette chanson de Kenny Rogers et explique ce choix :

-There is a series of songs that I'd like to do, these songs are very very personal to me, there is songs that say just about everything I'd like to be able to say to my lady... But I guess somehow sometimes I just can't find the words... So a writer put these words very very beautifully... But what I'd like to say I'd like to say it in a song so... My darling I hope that you will accept, this song is just a small token of my love for you and I hope that you will accept this song with the same sincerity and the same honesty and love that I intend to sing it to you (ahh il était doué) Now my darling wherever you are (les femmes hurlent ! Il sourit)... Like I should say that again : I said my darling wherever you are (c'est la folie dans la salle !) won't you please listen to my song ?

Cry Me a River

Cry Me a River

02 min.

Morceau de Dinah Washington

Annotation :

Dialogue entre un spectateur et Dinah Washington

-Dinah Washington : You want me to sound like Julie London ?

-Un homme du public : No sound like Dinah Washington

-D : Or would you rather me sound like a lady ?

-H : I'd like you to sound like Dinah Washington

-D : I could sound like Spokane... Washington (ville de l'Etat de Washington - excelleeeent)

-H : I'd like you to sound like Dinah Washington (rire d'un vieil homme et de Dinah Washington)


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