
Doctor Who (2009)

Tesseract - Doctor Who, tome 5

Tesseract - Doctor Who, tome 5 (2010)

Doctor Who: Tesseract

Sortie : 28 novembre 2012 (France).

Comics de Tony Lee et Al Davison

Résumé : Après avoir échappé à son jugement et au machiavélique plan de Finch, le Docteur fait découvrir le Tardis à ses deux nouveaux compagnons, Emily et Matthew. C'est à ce moment là qu'un vaisseau Acari vient à percuter la boite bleue. Tout le Tardis se voit alors complétement ré-agencé. Toutes les... Voir plus

Fugitif - Doctor Who, tome 4

Fugitif - Doctor Who, tome 4 (2010)

Doctor Who : Fugitive

Sortie : 8 novembre 2012 (France).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Smith

Résumé : Pour avoir sauvé la vie d'Emily Winter dans les années 1920 sur Terre et ainsi d'avoir enfreint la règle de ne pas agir sur les moments clés de l'Histoire, le Docteur doit maintenant être jugé par la cour suprême. Mais tout cela va l'amener à retrouver un vieil ennemi, Mr. Finch qui joue un rôle... Voir plus

Doctor Who (2009) #16

Doctor Who (2009) #16 (2010)

Doctor Who: Final Sacrifice Part 4 of 4

Sortie : 20 octobre 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Dow Smith

Résumé : Tragic loss... Final issue! Final appearance of the Tenth Doctor! Sad farewells. A song ends. People die. What, you thought we'd end on a high note? It's called 'Final Sacrifice,' guys! Multiple Eagle Award-nominated writer Tony Lee and Matthew Dow Smith close the book on the tenth Doctor...

Doctor Who (2009) #15

Doctor Who (2009) #15 (2010)

Doctor Who: Final Sacrifice Part 3 of 4: Reunion

Sortie : 9 septembre 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Dow Smith

Résumé : War! What is it good for?! The Doctor discovers the truth about Kol'Ne Wah and finds Matthew, while Emily and Hugh try to stop the world from rebooting! But what is the Advocate's terrible plan-and why are the fifth-dimensional Tef'Aree involved?

Doctor Who (2009) #14

Doctor Who (2009) #14 (2010)

Doctor Who: Final Sacrifice Part 2 of 4

Sortie : 18 août 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Dow Smith

Résumé : Long live the Queen! As the war between the Soul Free and the Terror builds, the Doctor discovers who's really pulling the strings behind the scenes! And as 'Mr. Finch' faces off against Emily, Alexander Hugh and the Edwardian Torchwood agents choose their own sides in the coming war..

Doctor Who (2009) #13

Doctor Who (2009) #13 (2010)

Doctor Who: Final Sacrifice Part 1 of 4

Sortie : 21 juillet 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Dow Smith

Résumé : On a war-ravaged alien world, the Doctor and Emily fight to save Matthew from the Advocate, while avoiding a planetwide civil war and a space-and-time misplaced Edwardian Torchwood, still hunting the Doctor since The Time Machination ! Everything leads to this point — but who will die?

Doctor Who (2009) #12

Doctor Who (2009) #12 (2010)

Doctor Who: Don't Step on the Grass Part 4: Drawing Straws

Sortie : juin 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Blair D. Shedd

Résumé : With London fallen, it's up to UNIT and their unlikely ally, the Advocate, to save the world-but will she destroy it in doing so? Can the Doctor save Mister Crane from his destiny? Who will Matthew believe in? And who will leave at the end?

Doctor Who (2009) #11

Doctor Who (2009) #11 (2010)

Doctor Who: Don't Step On The Grass Part 3: Weed Killer

Sortie : mai 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Blair D. Shedd

Résumé : The Clockwork Angels of Enochai have won. The sentient trees rule the parks of London. UNIT is beaten, and the Doctor is believed dead. There is only one last hope for mankind—and her name is the Advocate. Wait, what? But she’s a villain... isn’t she?

Doctor Who (2009) #10

Doctor Who (2009) #10 (2010)

Doctor Who: Don't Step on the Grass Part 2: Old Friends

Sortie : avril 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Blair D. Shedd

Résumé : The Doctor, Martha Jones, Matthew and Emily help UNIT fight off an Angel race called the Enochians. The Doctor and Emily found the Enochian's buried ship while UNIT fights off the trees possessed Enochians. The issue ends with the remainder of the Enochians being released from their stasis pods.

Doctor Who (2009) #9

Doctor Who (2009) #9 (2010)

Doctor Who: Don't Step on the Grass Part 1: Old Friends

Sortie : mars 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Blair D. Shedd

Résumé : When The Doctor is called back to modern-day London by Martha Jones and U.N.I.T., the last thing he expects are the Enochian Angels of Elizabethan magician John Dee, the secret underground library of Greenwich Park, and an army of angry living trees!

Doctor Who (2009) #8

Doctor Who (2009) #8 (2010)

Doctor Who: Tesseract Part 2

Sortie : février 2010 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Al Davison

Résumé : With the TARDIS breached by invaders and with only moments before both vessels implode, The Doctor and his friends must find a working console and escape the fifth dimension. But what happens when the clock runs out-and everything ends? What happens to a Time Lord when his song finally ends?

Doctor Who (2009) #5

Doctor Who (2009) #5 (2009)

Doctor Who: Fugitive Part 3 of 4

Sortie : novembre 2009 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Smith

Résumé : In Part 3 of the four-part “Fugitive” story arc, the Doctor has been trapped on an alien world with his old enemies now his allies—and his old allies now trying to kill him! He has only one chance to save his life... and possibly an entire galaxy!

Doctor Who (2009) #4

Doctor Who (2009) #4 (2009)

Doctor Who: Fugitive Part 2 of 4

Sortie : octobre 2009 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Smith

Résumé : In Part 2 of the four-part 'Fugitive' story arc, the Doctor finds himself confined with three aliens that would like nothing more than seeing him dead! But that's just the beginning of troubles as the Doctor learns that the galaxy is on the verge of all-out war!

Doctor Who (2009) #3

Doctor Who (2009) #3 (2009)

Doctor Who: Fugitive Part 1 of 4

Sortie : septembre 2009 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Matthew Smith

Résumé : Following the shocking end of “Silver Scream,” the Doctor now finds himself on trial for his life by the Shadow Proclamation! To survive, he has to prove his innocence… but the prosecution is Mister Finch from “School Reunion.”

Doctor Who (2009) #2

Doctor Who (2009) #2 (2009)

Doctor Who: Silver Scream Part 2 of 2

Sortie : août 2009 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Al Davison

Résumé : In the conclusion of the two-part 'Silver Scream,' the Doctor clashes with aliens orchestrating a dastardly plot in 1920s Hollywood. But his actions have repercussions that could be felt throughout all time!

Doctor Who (2009) #1

Doctor Who (2009) #1 (2009)

Doctor Who: Silver Scream Part 1 of 2

Sortie : juillet 2009 (États-Unis).

Comics de Tony Lee et Al Davison

Résumé : At long last Doctor Who is an ongoing monthly series! Tony Lee (Doctor Who: The Forgotten), kicks off the time/space-faring series with the two-part “Silver Scream.” In chapter one, the Doctor travels to 1920s Hollywood where he befriends Charlie Chaplin and, of course, discovers an alien plot! Lee... Voir plus