Restauration vue en Fuori Orario, "Le Silence de Dieu".


To watch a pastor deprived of his blind faith (probably long before the beginning of the film) but still blinded by his egocentricity be confronted with the reality of life was somewhat fun (especially while he was comforting a man into suicide) and failing to go from love of an entity (and a woman) to the love of others.

To have the obsessed school teacher be such a big part of the film became rapidly dispiriting, even though it gave way to an uninteresting but nice close-up monologue to "film her letter" about how she came to persuade herself of her insanities and the best scene of Winter Light, the moment the two characters finally deigned tell their actual view of the other. (By the way, just WHAT did she fell in love with? The body she was getting comfort with?)

Otherwhise, the film isn't remarkable in the slightest way, probably a good choice given the character studied here.

(Loved the easy scene with the commoner teaching a lesson in religion / Bible to the priest.)

Score: 6,5/10 (+1,5)

Enjoyment: 2/5 (although more bearable than the 1st viewing 20 or so years ago)

By mixing speech about God/faith and study of a specific character, the concept was interesting.

To read everywhere that the man "wasn't able to accept" the woman's love is laughable. Seriously, there was nothing he should have accepted.

Écrit par

Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Les meilleurs films d'Ingmar Bergman


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Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 4 fois

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