Fiche technique

Titre original : Google and the World BrainAnnée : 2013

Pays d'origine :

Espagne, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Grèce
Durée : 1 h 30 minDate de sortie (Espagne, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Grèce) : 18 février 2013Date de sortie (France) : 2 avril 2013

Réalisateur :

Ben Lewis

Producteurs :

Carles Brugueras, Nick Fraser, Ruth Llòria, Fiona O'Doherty, Madeleine Sheahan, Viva Van Loock, Bettina Walter

Synopsis : Dès 2002, Google entreprend de scanner tous les ouvrages de la littérature mondiale. L'entreprise californienne signe des contrats avec de grandes bibliothèques universitaires. Dix millions de volumes sont numérisés dans la gigantesque mémoire de Google. Sauf qu'environ six millions de ces livres sont protégés par le droit d'auteur... Récit d'une bataille juridique.

Casting de Le Livre selon Google

Brendan Price

H. G. Wells

Nicolas Chapman

Character Voices (voice)

Molly Malcolm

Character Voices (voice)

Joshua Zamrycki

Character Voices (voice)

Shojiro Akashi

Himself - Author

Sergey Brin

Himself - Co-founder, Google

Reginald Carr

Himself - Former Director, Bodleian Library

Dan Clancy

Himself - Former Chief Engineer, Google Books (archiveFootage)

Mary Sue Coleman

Herself - President, Michigan University (archiveFootage)

Luis Collado

Himself - Head of Google Books, Spain and Portugal

Et aussi

Robert Darnton

Himself - Director, Harvard University Library

David C. Drummond

Himself - Senior Vice President, Google (archiveFootage)

James Gleick

Himself - Authors Guild

Charles A. Gonzales

Himself - Congressman (archiveFootage)

Lewis Hyde


Jean-Noel Jeanneney

Himself - Former Director, French National Library

Brewster Kahle

Himself - Founder, Internet Archive

Kevin Kelly

Himself - Co-founder, Wired magazine

Kaiser Kuo

Himself - Communications Director, Baidu

Raymond Kurzweil

Himself - Inventor of the Scanner, Futurologist

Jaron Lanier

Himself - Virtual Reality Pioneer and Author

Yu Chun Lei

Herself - Super Star Book Scanning Centre

Lawrence Lessig

Himself - Founder, Creative Commons

Angela Merkel

Herself - German Chancellor

Mian Mian

Herself - Writer

Paul Misener

Himself - Vice President, Amazon (archiveFootage)

Evgeny Morozov

Himself - Internet Analyst

Richard Ovenden

Himself - Director, Bodleian Library, Oxford

Warden Boyd Rayward

Himself - Historian of Libraries

Roland Reuss

Himself - Professor of German Literature, Heidelberg

Damià Roure

Himself - Library Director, Monastery of Montserrat

Nicolas Sarkozy

Himself - Former French President

Pamela Saumelson

Herself - Professor of Law, Berkeley

Charles Seife

Himself - Author

Clay Shirky

Himself - Internet Consultant

Amit Singhal

Himself - Senior Vice President, Google

Jordi Torres

Himself - Professor, UPC Barcelona Tech

Sidney Verba

Himself - Former Director, Harvard Library

H. G. Wells

Himself (archiveFootage)