Code Geass : Hangyaku no Lelouch - Handou
Code Geass : Hangyaku no Lelouch - Handou

Long-métrage d'animation de Gorō Taniguchi (2018)

"Fansub" (Anime-Heart) vu sur Anime-Ultime.

Cancelling major events occuring midway in the movie in the same movie (and not very long after)? This is NOT a good thing to do.
Between this (due to a probable stupid reset between the two half of the series) and numerous things coming out of nowhere (probably thanks to cuts), plus the fact this movie had the ass between the two halves, Handô offers a rather poor construction.
And yet ? And YET, the movie was starting to seem quite long before it ended !

Enjoyment: 1/5
Score: 4/10

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le 23 nov. 2020

Critique lue 61 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 61 fois

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