Fiche technique

Titre original : Shifting Earth

Scénario :

Cecil Castellucci

Dessin :

Flavia Biondi, Fabiana Mascolo

Éditeur :

Berger Books
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 30 août 2021Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : In a not-so-distant future, a freak particle storm has landed botanist Dr. Maeve Lindholm on an idyllic yet strange parallel Earth, with no way back home. Here, two moons rule society, and nature outshines science. But just like her own climate ravaged planet, this verdant Earth has a sinister side. Children are rare. Humans must serve a purpose or pay an unthinkable price. Astronomer Zuzi battles this underlying darkness every day—just like Maeve did at home. Both women are fighters, and both face a choice: forge new paths, or save the worlds they’ve always known? Maeve will have to decide, and fast—because she’s fighting for more than just herself.ISBN : 9781506729107