Doctormania - Doctor Who : Les Nouvelles Aventures du Neuvième Docteur, tome 2

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Cavan Scott

Dessin :

Adriana Melo, Cris Bolson, Mariano Laclaustra

Éditeur :

Titan Comics
Date de publication (États-Unis) : 10 janvier 2017Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : When the Ninth Doctor lands on Gharusa in search of a secret from Captain Jack's missing past, the last thing he, Jack, and Rose expect to find is the Doctor's face plastered all over the planet's television screens - and a crowd of screaming fans! When Doctormania strikes, is anyone safe?! Plus - some shocking friends from the Doctor's past - or is that his future? - pull the TARDIS team into high-stakes alien adventure in San Francisco!ISBN : 9781785860225