Fiche technique

Scénario :

Steve Parkhouse, Alan McKenzie

Dessin :

John Ridgway

Éditeur :

Panini Comics
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 11 octobre 2007Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : The Sixth Doctor, Peri and their shapeshifting penguin chum Frobisher take a madcap journey through space, time and magical realms in this first volume of their comic strip adventures from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine! This book features the following digitally restored stories, reprinted in their original episodic format for the first time: THE SHAPE SHIFTER, VOYAGER, POLLY THE GLOT, ONCE UPON A TIME LORD, WAR-GAME, FUNHOUSE, KANE'S STORY, ABEL'S STORY, THE WARRIOR'S STORY and FROBISHER'S STORY! Tasked to retrieve a set of stolen starcharts by the awesome and terrifying Voyager, the Doctor must pursue the insane Time Lord Astrolabus across the universe, across world of fantasy and imagination, far-flung planets, and even the pages of a children's storybook. Along the way there are reunions with the eminent Professor Ivan Asimoff and the despicable Dogbolter, a run-in with a sentient house, swordplay with a Draconian Overlord, and even a quick trip to New York! Featuring astonishing artwork from the legendary John Ridgway (Judge Dredd, Hellblazer) plus scripts from Steve Parkhouse (The BoJeffries Saga) and Alan McKenzie (2000 AD).ISBN : 9781905239719