Saison 1

52 épisodes

(5 h 12 min)



Saison 1


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The Runaway Bag

S1 E1 The Runaway Bag

Carrying her school bag on her back, what a nuisance! To avoid this burden, Lucy decides that it's about time her bag made its own way to school! The only problem is that it has trouble finding its way. Note: This is likely the Pilot episode, as the animation style looks a bit smoother, and characters look more consistent between scenes.

Dog Hairspray

S1 E2 Dog Hairspray

Watering all the plants on the balcony one by one, what a nuisance! Lucy invents the first automatic plant watering system to save energy! Note: When Lucy and Jasmine get washed by the water sprinkler, Jasmine's eyes turn blue after opening them, but when she blinks again they revert back to green.

Lucy Pitches a Plan

S1 E3 Lucy Pitches a Plan

Putting up a tent, what a nuisance! Lucy has a better idea to avoid tiring herself out: she prefers to sleep under the stars!

The Ball's In Your Court

S1 E4 The Ball's In Your Court

Picking up all the tennis balls, what a nuisance! And the way to avoid this chore? By returning all the balls to the opposite side of the court. Easier said than done, but Lucy isn't one to give up.

A Stamp Of Genius

S1 E5 A Stamp Of Genius

Licking a whole load of stamps to stick them on, what a nuisance! It's best to leave such a task to an expert and who better than Flinki, a nice companion with a long lolling tongue! Note: At the beginning of the episode, in the shot where Jasmine lends over all the invitation cards for Lucy to stick the stamps on, her shirt arm is in the color of Lucy's shirt.

The Jumble Gallery

S1 E6 The Jumble Gallery

Taking all of these things to the street market, what a nuisance! Why not just take a photo; it's a lot easier to carry. Snappy snap and it's in the bag!

A Fly In The Ointment

S1 E7 A Fly In The Ointment

Waving your arms around everywhere trying to fly-fish, what a nuisance! Playing with a kite and a cow, now that's much more fun. Happy fishing Lucy!

The Hairclip Detector

S1 E8 The Hairclip Detector

Lifting a heap of leaves to find a hairclip, what a nuisance! Lucy embarks on developing the first "hairclip detector"!

Lucy's Lullaby

S1 E9 Lucy's Lullaby

Singing for hours to get her little brother to sleep, what a nuisance! Lucy works out a better technique: the automatic lullaby.

The Sand Castle Challenge

S1 E10 The Sand Castle Challenge

Digging the sand to build a castle, what a nuisance! There has to be a lazier way! And there is- with the help of a dinghy, a dog, her little brother and above all lots of imagination! Note: When Lucy and Paul are hurrying up finishing their sandcastle, there's a noticable, but subtle skip in their movements; rather than finish moving when avoiding the incoming wave, they almost instantly shift to their new positions.

No False Notes

S1 E11 No False Notes

Practising for hours to play a small piece of music at the school fete, what a nuisance! Luckily Lucy knows the song and she goes to great lengths to find a fun way to play without making any mistakes!

What A Load Of Rubbish!

S1 E12 What A Load Of Rubbish!

Taking the bin out every day, what a nuisance! It would be so much better if the bin could take itself out! Take itself out? What an excellent idea!

In A Spin

S1 E13 In A Spin

Hanging out the washing in the garden, what a nuisance! Especially when there are so many fun games to play nearby. What will inspire Lucy for her latest challenge?

A Shade Too Hot

S1 E14 A Shade Too Hot

Having to carry a parasol on the beach, what a nuisance! There has to be another way of protecting yourself from the sun. But of course! All you have to do is make use of your own shadow!

No Parrots Please

S1 E15 No Parrots Please

Paul, you should knock before coming into the room. Always repeating the same thing to her little brother, what a nuisance! And Lucy does not intend to become a parrot! Note: At the beginning of the episode, in the scene where Lucy talks into her tape recorder pretending to be a announcer, if you look closely at her left hand when she points with it, it will have 4 fingers instead of 3.

The Butterfly Chase (Alt. Chasing Butterflies)

S1 E16 The Butterfly Chase (Alt. Chasing Butterflies)

Running around the park to catch a butterfly, what a nuisance! What to do? There's no point in running- just attract the butterflies to you!

It's No Picnic Washing Up

S1 E17 It's No Picnic Washing Up

Washing up after a picnic, what a nuisance! But Lucy has the knack for transforming the slightest chore into a great children's game.

A Photo Finish

S1 E18 A Photo Finish

Making a load of adjustments in a booth for a tiny identity photo, what a nuisance! Lucy has a solution: setting up the "home identity photos"!

It's Raining Apples!

S1 E19 It's Raining Apples!

Carrying a ladder under the tree to pick some apples, what a nuisance! To avoid tiring herself out, Lucy stops at nothing and proves that she most certainly doesn't lack spirit!

The Rooster Rock Alarm Clock

S1 E20 The Rooster Rock Alarm Clock

The farm rooster wakes the girls at the break of day. Getting up early even when you're on holiday, what a nuisance! It's up to Lucy to persuade the rooster to have a lie in!

It's Snow Way To Walk

S1 E21 It's Snow Way To Walk

Shoveling up all this snow, what a nuisance! Lucy prefers to find a way to walk on the snow without sinking.

Flying High

S1 E22 Flying High

Running around until you're out of breath to get a kite off the ground, what a nuisance! If only you could make it fly with its own wings... Note: This is the 2nd time where Lucy doesn't wink at the end of the episode. The other episodes are The Butterfly Chase and Staying Awake For Santa.

Fancy That!

S1 E23 Fancy That!

Cutting all this paper just to make a costume, what a nuisance! But Lucy has plenty of ideas to do a great fashion show without tiring herself out!

A Whole New Ball Game

S1 E24 A Whole New Ball Game

Spending time going to find your ball in the neighbour's garden, what a nuisance! To avoid this, Lucy is ready to do anything, even if it means changing the rules of the game!

3,2,1 Knit!

S1 E25 3,2,1 Knit!

Turning massive needles in all directions to knit something, what a nuisance! There has to be a lazier way! Lucy transforms this challenge into a real competition: three, two, one, knit!

Uphill Sledging

S1 E26 Uphill Sledging

Pushing the sledge to the top of the slope, what a nuisance! There has to be a lazier way! Lucy turns her attention to a new type of mechanical lift.

Back To The Drawing Board

S1 E27 Back To The Drawing Board

Doing a load of drawings one after the other, what a nuisance! It would be much more fun if you could do several drawings at the same time. And to do that Lucy is ready to bend over backwards.

A Short Cut

S1 E28 A Short Cut

Pushing the lawnmower to cut the grass in the garden, what a nuisance! Lucy chooses a much more fun and ecological approach: a 100% natural solution.

The Tickle Machine

S1 E29 The Tickle Machine

Making your arms ache tickling your brother, what a nuisance! Lucy sets about inventing the first "tickle machine."

The Tidy Solution

S1 E30 The Tidy Solution

Tidying the bedroom, what a nuisance! It would be much better if the room could tidy itself! Note: If you take a look at Paul when he, Lucy, Jasmine, and Tom are singing together the first time, at one point the mask he wears(sans the feathers) won't be on his face.

Shedding Paint

S1 E31 Shedding Paint

Painting the whole shed by hand, what a nuisance! Lucy comes up with a heap of farfetched solutions to paint the shed without tiring herself out.

The Turbo Toothbrush

S1 E32 The Turbo Toothbrush

Moving your arms around to brush your teeth, what a nuisance! But there's no way Lucy's going to abandon her pretty little toothy-pegs! What must be done is to find another solution. It's not easy, but she won't give up: Lucy has stacks of ideas!

Done And Dusted!

S1 E33 Done And Dusted!

Rubbing everything with a cloth to dust her room, what a nuisance! Lucy prefers to organize some anti-dust games: they're much more entertaining!

Dog Tired

S1 E34 Dog Tired

Grooming Flinki, what a nuisance! To avoid tiring herself out by cleaning her doggy, Lucy is prepared to do anything, even if it means going round a real obstacle course!

High Inflation

S1 E35 High Inflation

Blowing to inflate balloons, what a nuisance! Lucy comes up with her own way: why tire yourself out blowing up balloons when you can use all the air that is already there?

Mixed Signals

S1 E36 Mixed Signals

Climbing up and down stairs to say something to Tom, what a nuisance! How can she communicate with her neighbor opposite without moving? To achieve her ends, Lucy uses some crafty tactics.

Lucy's Scarecrow

S1 E37 Lucy's Scarecrow

Cramming straw into bags to make a scarecrow, what a nuisance! But they can't let the birds come and peck at the vegetable garden. To protect the strawberries, Lucy and Jasmine build an extremely original type of scarecrow.

Lucy's Den

S1 E38 Lucy's Den

Picking up scraps of wood to build a den, what a nuisance! Lucy invents her own way to make her "express den": a challenge within her capabilities!

Pack It In!

S1 E39 Pack It In!

Folding her things to make them fit in her backpack, what a nuisance! To pack her bags without tiring herself out, Lucy just needs to use her imagination. This isn't a problem for Lucy- it's in the bag!

Spring Cleaning

S1 E40 Spring Cleaning

Beating a rug to get rid of the dust, what a nuisance! Lucy organizes, in her own special way, a big spring clean in Jasmine's garden- it's quite a circus!

Ducking Out

S1 E41 Ducking Out

Paddling one stroke to the right, one stroke to the left, what a nuisance! Lucy doesn't really want to struggle to get her boat out onto the lake... but it's too late for her to duck out now!

A Tabletop Idea

S1 E42 A Tabletop Idea

Clearing the table, what a nuisance! In order to have nothing to carry, it's best to find a way to send the washing up directly to the kitchen! And there, as if by magic...!

Lucy Digs Her Heels In

S1 E43 Lucy Digs Her Heels In

Digging loads of holes to plant some strawberries, what a nuisance! Rather than wearing herself out with a spade, Lucy would rather dig around for an idea in her head... and it works! Lucy's way of planting is much more fun!

Ski Fall

S1 E44 Ski Fall

Skiing is great fun... except when you fall over! Spending loads of time getting up again, what a nuisance! To resolve this problem once and for all, Lucy decides to invent some anti-fall skis... Note: When Lucy tests out her new ski sticks, there will be a black border around the clip in the scene where she can't stop, and in the other shot that follows, when Jasmine skiis after Lucy.

The Puppet Show

S1 E45 The Puppet Show

Wearing out your arms to move the puppets, what a nuisance! In the process of finding a less tiring solution, Lucy puts on quite a show for us!

Mop Skating

S1 E46 Mop Skating

Pushing a mop back and forth across the floor, what a nuisance! To clean the kitchen floor, Lucy would rather try something more... sporty. The Formula 1, perhaps, or running or maybe even figure skating!

Mud Sticks

S1 E47 Mud Sticks

Scrubbing shoes to get them clean, what a nuisance! How can Lucy and Jasmine make their shoes look pretty for the ball? Thanks to a flash of inspiration, they end up wearing the most beautiful shoes there ever were. Note: When Lucy and Jasmine relaxes in the grass while waiting for the mud on their shoes to dry, they both have 5 toes on their feet, but only for the first frame.

Digging Halloween

S1 E48 Digging Halloween

Making a candle out of a pumpkin for Halloween? What a nuisance! There must be a less tiring way to do it.

Staying Awake For Santa

S1 E49 Staying Awake For Santa

Refraining from sleeping to watch out for Father Christmas, what a nuisance! Especially when Lucy really wants to go beddy-byes. To be sure not to miss Father Christmas, Lucy tells us an unlikely story! Note: 3rd and final time where Lucy doesn't wink at the end, but Santa does instead, as she fell asleep while Santa was telling her and Paul stories.

A Pony Tale

S1 E50 A Pony Tale

All this effort to hoist herself onto the saddle of a pony, what a nuisance! Lucy comes up with the first pony lift. An astounding solution...